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How to uninstall bad Microsoft patches using PDQ Deploy

Shane head shot
Shane Corellian|August 18, 2014
Uninstall Bad Microsoft Patches Using PDQ Deploy
Uninstall Bad Microsoft Patches Using PDQ Deploy

    Microsoft has advised users that have installed certain patches released last week (Patch Tuesday) to uninstall the patches. Sunday night the offending patches were made unavailable for download. The rogue patches can cause Blue Screen problem in Windows 7 (and Black Screen in Windows 8 and 8.1) and can potentially brick your system if fonts are modified or certain applications are installed. Additionally, the patches can create a vulnerability. Hackers with valid logon credentials can exploit this vulnerability.

    table flip

    The patches affected are:

    • KB2982791

    • KB2970228

    • KB2975719

    • KB2975331

    You can use PDQ Deploy to remove these patches. We have placed two packages in the Package Library. The only difference between the two packages is that one will initiate a reboot after the deployment. Go ahead and download the package “Uninstall MS Black Tuesday Patches AUG. 2014”.

    If you have automatic updates set on your Windows computers that successfully received the update between Tuesday and Sunday it would be in your best interest to uninstall this offending patch even if you are not currently experiencing issues, issues may not be apparent until after a reboot or even a couple reboots.

    New in the PDQ package library is an uninstall package you can deploy to all Windows machines to quickly and silently remove the Microsoft patch with PDQ Deploy. Normally uninstall packages are available only to Enterprise Mode licenses, but this package will be available to Pro and Pro Trial users.

    Watch the below video to see how to deploy the uninstall package.


    Shane head shot
    Shane Corellian

    Shane is the co-founder of PDQ.

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