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Patch Tuesday September 2024

Brock Bingham candid headshot
Brock Bingham|September 10, 2024
Orange themed Patch Tuesday banner image
Orange themed Patch Tuesday banner image

This Patch Tuesday, I have two goals: to help you learn about all the great patches that just dropped and to get the song September by Earth, Wind & Fire stuck in your heads. But first, let's groove.

Do you remember 

The second Tuesday of September? 

Windows updates roll out, and from vendors, 

Lots of patches keeping bugs away. 


Networks were pinging 

Monster energy drinks, we were drinkin’ 

As we worked through the night, remember 

How Patch Tuesday kept the threats at bay, oh yeah!

Now, before we get to the chorus and before my copy editor cuts me off (copyeditor's note: I would never), let’s run through our Patch Tuesday highlights and see what kind of workload we can expect this month. 

  • Total exploits patched: 79 

  • Critical patches: 7 

  • Already known or exploited: 4 

Some highlights (or lowlights) 

  • CVE-2024-43419: Our juiciest vulnerability this month is CVE-2024-43491. Essentially, updates that had fixed vulnerabilities in certain versions of Windows had been rolled back, which allowed attackers to take advantage of exploits of previously patched vulnerabilities. With a network attack vector and a low complexity, the only saving grace is that this only impacts Windows 1507 (Windows 10), which reached end of life in 2017. However, this also impacts Windows 10 2015 LTSB, which has extended support until October 2025. If you're running either of these systems, please take a minute to reflect on your life choices, then update immediately. 

  • CVE-2024-38018: This one is for all my sysadmin friends who run their own SharePoint servers. What’s that? Another SharePoint vulnerability? Shocking, I know. This one, however, does give the attacker the ability to remotely execute code and has a low complexity, which is no bueno. If you run your own SharePoint server, just keep clicking that update button. 

  • CVE-2024-38217: Last, and I guess least as far as the CVSS score is concerned, is CVE-2024-38217. This exploit lets bad actors bypass the Mark of the Web security feature, which allows users to download malicious files from the internet without the file being properly identified as malicious. If you want to keep your users from doing dumb things, it’s probably best to get this patched ASAP. 

Onto the chorus!

Ba-dee-ya, say do you remember

Ba-dee-ya, patching in September

Ba-dee-ya, goodbye to those zero days!

Hopefully this song keeps your spirits high and these updates keep your endpoints safe. Need help patching your devices? PDQ Connect can automatically deploy updates to all your Windows endpoints without lifting a finger, making Patch Tuesday the same as any other Tuesday.


Brock Bingham candid headshot
Brock Bingham

Born in the '80s and raised by his NES, Brock quickly fell in love with everything tech. With over 15 years of IT experience, Brock now enjoys the life of luxury as a renowned tech blogger and receiver of many Dundie Awards. In his free time, Brock enjoys adventuring with his wife, kids, and dogs, while dreaming of retirement.

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