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Announcing PDQ Inventory 1.0.2 beta

smiling man
Adam Ruth|December 22, 2011

    We’re pleased to announce the first beta release of PDQ Inventory 1.0.2.  It’s available now for download.

    There are a couple of larger features that should be highlighted:

    • Active Directory collections are now available. 

      For those of you moving from AA Console, this will probably be a welcome addition.  Computers that are in Active Directory are automatically placed within these collections, which are themselves automatically generated.

    • New data grids. 

      We’ve moved over to the same data grids which we introduced in the last PDQ Deploy beta. These grids have a number of nice features for filtering and grouping, as well as doing a better job of printing.

    • Copy and paste of scanners and scan profiles.

    • Additional options for deleting computers during an AD Sync.

      Deleting computers during a sync has always been a bit problematic, and now we have 2 deleting options. One option is for when you have a mix of sync’d and manually added computers, and the other for when you have only computers from Active Directory.

    • Computer tools can now be used from reports.
      Not all reports can use computer tools, because each row doesn’t resolve down to a single computer, but most reports will work fine.

    In addition to these features there are a number of bug fixes. You can get all of the juicy details in the Update Notes.

    As always, we hope you enjoy the changes and we look forward to getting your feedback.

    smiling man
    Adam Ruth

    Adam is a co-founders of PDQ.

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