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How to remotely execute VBS scripts to all your computers

company ShawnA
Shawn Anderson|Updated January 26, 2021
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We’ve had a few users tell us that they have been trying to run .vbs scripts using the “Command Step” in PDQ Deploy. To run scripts, including .vbs scripts, in PDQ Deploy, you’ll want to use an “Install Step”.

.VBS Scripts use the Install Step

Simply point the “Install File” to your script. If you need to add any special arguments or switches, you do so in the Parameters field. 


Use the “Install Step” to run .vbs, .bat, .cmd, .reg and .ps1 scripts. (Did we mention you use the Install Step for EXE and MSI files, too? We probably didn’t mention that because it’s… well… kinda obvious.)

Need Multiple Steps?

To have multiple steps in a package you will need to move to our pro mode. With pro mode you’re not limited to Install Steps. You also have Command, Reboot, Sleep, and Nested package steps.

company ShawnA
Shawn Anderson

Shawn is the co-founder of PDQ.

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