Share feedback on PDQ Connect
Your opinion matters to PDQ — join us on a 30-minute call or submit our feedback form to help us determine what features we add to PDQ Connect.
FYI: Some items may have shifted during your flight … err … since you last checked this page.
We've recently updated our roadmap to better align with customer feedback. This updated plan means we can deliver significant new features while taking the time to improve existing features, resolve issues and bugs, and make sure Connect continues to scale with your needs.
Near term
What we hope to add to PDQ Connect in the next 3 months.
Scan for services and processes
See details of currently running processes and services and start or stop them.
Improved onboarding & automations
More easily set up initial groups and automated deployments for your environment.
Deployments page updates
Group deployments by package, including summary-level information for each deployment.
Mid term
These are our next areas of focus. We plan to add the following features to PDQ Connect in the next 4–8 months.
Package & step improvements
Add packages and step conditions, disabled steps, message steps, and the ability to deploy from a failed step.
PowerShell Scanner
Write PowerShell scripts to scan for custom device information.
Software tab
View all software installed in your environment. See counts of outdated versions present on machines, open vulnerabilities (for Premium users), and more.
Packages page updates
More easily organize and find your packages.
Long term
These items are on our roadmap, but we don’t have a specific timeline for them yet.
MacOS device support
Manage MacOS devices with the Connect agent.
Assign users, devices, and packages to tenants within Connect, allowing you to segment your environment by location, client, etc.
Managed software center
Allow an end user to install or update specific software without a sysadmin having to deploy anything.
Visual summary of the current state of your environment.
Try PDQ Connect today
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