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PDQ Deploy & Inventory product roadmap

See what new features and enhancements we've got planned for Deploy & Inventory! We're working hard to get these improvements out soon, and we'll update this roadmap if anything changes.

DI product roadmap
DI product roadmap

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Near term

What we’re actively working on and hope to add to PDQ Deploy & Inventory in the coming quarter.

Near term


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Near term

Improved onboarding

Enhanced best practice guides to help new and existing users make the most of Deploy & Inventory.

Near term

Authentication improvements

A collection of items improving the overall product security.

Near term

Performance tuning

A collection of items improving graphical response time and product performance.

Mid term

These items are our next areas of focus. We plan to add these features to PDQ Deploy & Inventory in the coming quarters.

Mid term

PDQ Discover

Repository offering customers access to common scripts, templates, and wizards.

Mid term

Dynamic dashboard widgets

Custom report summaries available at a glance from the dashboard.

Mid term

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Assign permissions to users to control who can perform various actions in Deploy & Inventory. Central server mode only.

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