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PowerShell Commands


Clear-Host [<CommonParameters>]

The Clear-Host function removes all text from the current display, including commands and output that might have accumulated. When complete, it displays the command prompt. You can use the function name or its alias, CLS.

Clear-Host affects only the current display. It does not delete saved results or remove any items from the session. Session-specific items, such as variables and functions, are not affected by this function.

Because the behavior of the Clear-Host function is determined by the host program, Clear-Host might work differently in different host programs.



This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.

You cannot pipe input to Clear-Host.
Clear-Host does not generate any output
  1. This command uses the CLS alias of Clear-Host to clear the current display:
    C:\PS> cls
       # Before
    PS C:\> Get-Process
       Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K) VM(M)   CPU(s)     Id ProcessName
       -------  ------    -----      ----- -----   ------     -- -----------
           843      33    14428      22556    99    17.41   1688 CcmExec
            44       6     2196       4964    52     0.23    692 conhost
           646      12     2332       4896    49     1.12    388 csrss
           189      11     2860       7084   114     0.66   2896 csrss
            78      11     1876       4008    42     0.22   4000 csrss
            76       7     1848       5064    54     0.08   1028 dwm
           610      41    23952      44048   208     4.40   2080 explorer
             0       0        0         24     0               0 Idle
           182      32     7692      15980    91     0.23   3056 LogonUI
           186      25     7832      16068    91     0.27   3996 LogonUI
          1272      32    11512      20432    58    25.07    548 lsass
           267      10     3536       6736    34     0.80    556 lsm
           137      17     3520       7472    61     0.05   1220 msdtc
           447      31    70316      84476   201 1,429.67    836 MsMpEng
           265      18     7136      15628   134     2.20   3544 msseces
           248      16     6476       4076    76     0.22   1592 NisSrv
           368      25    61312      65508   614     1.78    848 powershell
           101       8     2304       6624    70     0.64   3648 rdpclip
           258      15     6804      12156    50     2.65    536 services
    PS C:\>  cls
    PS C:>
Additional Notes
 Clear-Host is a simple function, not an advanced function. As such, you cannot use common parameters, such as 
 -Debug, in a Clear-Host command.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. It is attributed to Microsoft Corporation and can be found here.

PowerShell Commands