Register-PSRepository [-Name*] <String> [-SourceLocation*] <Uri> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-InstallationPolicy{Trusted | Untrusted}] [-PackageManagementProvider <String>] [-Proxy <Uri>] [-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>][-PublishLocation <Uri>] [-ScriptPublishLocation <Uri>] [-ScriptSourceLocation <Uri>] [<CommonParameters>]
Register-PSRepository -Default* [-InstallationPolicy {Trusted | Untrusted}] [-Proxy <Uri>] [-ProxyCredential<PSCredential>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Register-PSRepository cmdlet registers the default repository for PowerShell modules. After a repository is registered, you can reference it from the Find-Module, Install-Module, and Publish-Module cmdlets. The registered repository becomes the default repository in Find-Module and Install-Module .
Registered repositories are user-specific. They are not registered in a system-wide context.
Each registered repository is associated with a OneGet package provider, which is specified with the PackageManagementProvider parameter. Each OneGet provider is designed to interact with a specific type of repository. For example, the NuGet provider is designed to interact with NuGet-based repositories. If a OneGet provider is not specified during registration, PowerShellGet attempts to find a OneGet provider that can handle the specified source location.
-Credential <PSCredential>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input ByPropertyName
-Default [<SwitchParameter>]
- This value is required
- Default value is False
- Accepts pipeline input False
-InstallationPolicy <String>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
-Name <String>
- This value is required
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
-PackageManagementProvider <String>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
-Proxy <Uri>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input ByPropertyName
-ProxyCredential <PSCredential>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input ByPropertyName
-PublishLocation <Uri>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
-ScriptPublishLocation <Uri>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
-ScriptSourceLocation <Uri>
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
-SourceLocation <Uri>
- This value is required
- Default value is None
- Accepts pipeline input False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable.
Register a repository:
PS C:\> Register-PSRepository -Name "myNuGetSource" -SourceLocation "" -PublishLocation "" -InstallationPolicy Trusted PS C:\> Get-PSRepository Name SourceLocation OneGetProvider InstallationPolicy ---- -------------- -------------- ------------------ PSGallery http://go.micro... NuGet Untrusted myNuGetSource https://myget.c... NuGet Trusted
The first command registers as a repository for the current user. After myNuGetSource is registered, you can explicitly reference it when searching for, installing, and publishing modules. Because the PackageManamentProvider parameter isn't specified, the repository is not explicitly associated with a OneGet packkage provider, so PowerShellGet polls available package providers and associates it with the NuGet provider.
The second command gets registered repositories and displays the results.
Additional Notes
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. It is attributed to Microsoft Corporation and can be found here.
PowerShell Commands