Vulnerability management software

Cyberattacks can decimate your operations, ruin customer trust, and cost millions. Effective vulnerability management with PDQ helps mitigate risks so you can skip the whole sweating-through-your-shirt-while-trying-not-to-cry thing. Save time, cut through the noise, and secure your environment with PDQ.

man on laptop with purple border
man on laptop with purple border

Identify vulnerabilities, then knock them out

PDQ Detect uses machine learning to contextualize, group, and prioritize vulnerabilities. When used in conjunction with PDQ Connect or PDQ Deploy & Inventory, you can also remediate vulnerable software with just a few clicks.

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Identify vulnerabilities UI PDQ DetectIdentify vulnerabilities UI PDQ Detect

Must-have vulnerability management features

The best vulnerability management solutions, like PDQ Detect, streamline detection and prioritization so you can act quickly on the most critical vulnerabilities. No need to play an endless game of Where’s Waldo to spot high priorities hiding among long lists of false positives.

Comprehensive vulnerability scanner

You can’t address security vulnerabilities in your environment if you don’t know about them. PDQ Detect’s comprehensive vulnerability scanning looks at Windows and Apple devices for security weaknesses.

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Comprehensive vulnerability scanner Comprehensive vulnerability scanner
Cloud Purple icon

Agentless scanning

Perform lightweight, agentless scans to analyze LAN- and VPN-connected devices, including servers.

Data Purple icon

Agent-based scanning

Keep an eye on your distributed fleet, perform credentialed scans, and gather deeper insights with agent-based scanning.

Contextualized vulnerability prioritization

It’s not always obvious which vulnerabilities pose the biggest risk to your environment. And worse still, alerts for low-risk vulnerabilities can jeopardize your ability to spot more critical issues. That’s why PDQ Detect contextualizes and prioritizes security vulnerabilities so you can act quickly.

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Contextualized prioritization PDQ Detect dashboardContextualized prioritization PDQ Detect dashboard
Scan Purple icon

Continuous vulnerability scanning

Monitor in real-time with both agent-based and agentless scanners for up-to-the-minute information on what needs your attention.

Filter 1 Purple icon

Contextual prioritization

Review vulnerabilities in your environment — prioritized by potential business impact and exploitability.

Forward Purple icon

Actionable remediation steps

Get a clear, prioritized action plan and monitor your team’s progress toward patching goals. Trust is great, but verification is better.

Full attack surface visibility

Sadly, the old adage “out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t apply to cybersecurity. What you can’t see is probably what wakes you up in a cold sweat at 3 a.m. Maintaining full visibility of your attack surface helps you identify and act on a critical vulnerability before a threat actor does. Finally get that solid 8 hours of sleep your doctor recommends.

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Full attack surface PDQ DetectFull attack surface PDQ Detect
Folder Purple icon

Comprehensive asset inventory

Identify assets (including rogue assets), devices, applications, and cloud workloads.

Venn Purple icon

Internal & external visibility 

Get eyes on internal systems, devices, software, and users — along with internet-facing assets.

Prebuilt Groups Purple icon

Closed- & open-box testing

Look for vulnerabilities assuming no knowledge of internal code and infrastructure — or with full knowledge for more comprehensive understanding.

Extensive reporting

Convenient reporting options provide a snapshot of identified vulnerabilities, contextual risk, configuration issues, remediation steps, and more. And nothing says “Give me a promotion” better than handing your boss a thick stack of vulnerability scan reports.

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Extensive reporting PDQ DetectExtensive reporting PDQ Detect
Blocks Purple icon

Automated reports

Generate automated reports to gain actionable insights while barely lifting a finger.

Chart Purple icon

Custom reports

Compile custom reports for a more nuanced overview of the specific information you need.

What are the benefits of vulnerability management?

Security is at the core of vulnerability management. But effective vulnerability management with PDQ Detect offers several potential advantages (and yes, security tops that list):

  • Enhanced security 

  • Reduced risk exposure 

  • Improved efficiency 

  • Greater visibility 

  • Strong ROI 

  • Regulatory compliance support 

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Security PurpleSecurity Purple

Vulnerability management FAQs

What is vulnerability management?

Vulnerability management is an ongoing security process that aims to proactively identify, prioritize, and patch vulnerabilities. Think of it as the equivalent of looking for leaks in your pipes and fixing them before your house is under water.

Risk-based vulnerability management is a more refined approach, assessing the likelihood that a threat actor will exploit an identified vulnerability and the potential magnitude of any damage. PDQ Detect supports a risk-based approach to help you allocate resources effectively.

What is a vulnerability management process?

The vulnerability management lifecycle consists of several key steps:  

  • Complete asset discovery 

  • Compile an asset inventory 

  • Monitor threat intelligence 

  • Perform vulnerability scans and a vulnerability assessment 

  • Assess risk 

  • Prioritize security vulnerabilities 

  • Address relevant vulnerabilities 

A sophisticated vulnerability management tool, such as PDQ Detect, simplifies these processes to support an efficient and effective vulnerability management program.

What other functions are related to vulnerability management?

Vulnerability management works alongside several related cybersecurity functions:  

Combining these components with an effective vulnerability management solution, such as PDQ Detect, can enhance your cybersecurity posture.

What is CVSS?

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a standardized system for assigning numerical values to common vulnerabilities. These scores take into account security vulnerability data, including exploitability and impact.

The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) provides vulnerability information and CVSS scores, which empower security tools and IT teams to more accurately assess and communicate the severity of a known vulnerability.

PDQ Detect includes CVSS scores in its vulnerability reports for easy analysis and prioritization.

What are vulnerability management best practices?

Vulnerability management encapsulates a broad range of functions, so there are a lot of best practices to keep in mind. Here are a few fan favorites to enhance your vulnerability management program:

  • Inventory and classify assets

  • Designate a security team

  • Establish a vulnerability management program and strategy

  • Conduct a vulnerability scan at least quarterly (or better yet, weekly)

  • Complete penetration testing

  • Prioritize vulnerabilities

  • Remediate relevant vulnerabilities

  • Automate whenever possible

  • Integrate vulnerability management with other security efforts

  • Invest in security awareness training

  • Strive for continuous improvement

  • Use the right tools, like PDQ Detect

How do you choose the right vulnerability management software?

Selecting the right vulnerability management software requires understanding your organizational needs and resources. Solution-specific factors to consider include the following:

  • Discovery capabilities

  • Scan coverage

  • Reporting

  • Ease of use

  • Vendor reputation

  • Contextualized prioritization

  • Actionable remediation steps

  • Scalability

  • Pricing

A vulnerability manager plus a patch management solution can provide more comprehensive support for your vulnerability management program — from vulnerability identification through patching. That’s why PDQ Connect or PDQ Deploy & Inventory are the perfect complements for PDQ Detect.

Sound too good to be true? Try it for yourself.