Hi. We’re sysadmins.
This Sysadmin Day, we’re ready to show AI that there’s nothing artificial about our intelligence.
Celebrate Sysadmin Day with PDQ Live on YouTube.
August 1, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. MT
Updates from the AI battlefront...
Sysadmins vs. AI: 5 ways humans beat the bots
Some say that AI is coming for our jobs, but we beg to differ. Find out the top five ways that human sysadmins triumph over the bots.

AI and cybersecurity: From deepfakes to data poisoning
AI creates seemingly infinite opportunities — and at least as many risks. Learn about the implications of AI on cybersecurity, from deepfakes to data poisoning and beyond.
More ways to level up your IT prowess
AI can’t do your job. But stay on top of your IT skills so it rues the day it tried.
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